Angel Forrest will be performing this Friday, March 11th, at the Corona Theater in Montreal as part of her CD launch for Angel’s 11 which will be released that same day. Multiple guests that appear on the CD will be present so come one, come all, as this promises to be a great show, on a day that also just happens to be Angel's birthday. For those of you not able to attend the show, it will be streamed live online at
Live Toune.
If you find that Angel Number 11 is guiding you, then external forces are telling you that you are about to begin an exciting new stage. New opportunities are open to you, and you will have the ability to pursue your dreams. This number represents creativity, and presents itself to innovative individuals.
So what’s a gal to do after celebrating 25 years in the biz and releasing a great album entitled Mother Tongue Blues and then following that up with a double live CD Live Love? Her soul tells her it's time do something different but she's not quite sure what. As life rolls along, there's a constant that keeps revealing itself which seems insignificant at first. But whether looking at the time, a price tag, a reserved seat, or even her birthday, the number "11" seems to always be present in some shape or form. With that the seeds were sown for her next recording effort.
When Angel Forrest mentioned her gravitation to the number “11” to life partner Denis Coulombe it sparked a reaction out of the two musicians. Coulombe instantly imagined a drawing in his head and was soon hard at work transferring the image to a physical state. Once done, the number “11” and the art work inspired the pair and the name of the project, Angel’s 11, was born. The twosome were soon brainstorming ideas. At one point Forrest was reminiscing about guitarists that had in some way been a part of her career. She has always had a good rapport with her guitarists and fed off their vibe. That’s when the idea hit them like a missile. With “11” being such a prominent number in Forrest’s life, why not design an album based around eleven guitarists? Forrest’s next steps? Call in some favours, owe some favours, send some loving invitations, blackmail a select few, and get with a who’s who of guitarists from her past and present, letting them know that they would be appearing on her next project. A killer idea that has paid off in spades. The axemen on the hit list and that appear on ‘Angel’s 11’ are as follows; Johnny Flash, Rob MacDonald, Steve Strongman, Ricky Paquette, Dimitri Lebel-Alexandre, Paul DesLauriers, Kim Greenwood, Corey Diabo, Shane Murphy, Steve Hill, and Adam Karch.
With a project this size, with so many people involved, Forrest and Coulombe could have taken the easy way out and recorded a load of covers. Instead the pair hunkered down and wrote the songs themselves, preferring to create originals which would allow them to pay homage to the specific guitarist. As each song emerged the two writers instantly knew who the track would be destined to. All the pieces were falling together perfectly.