and rock sounds as well as his own compositions for film soundtracks produced by his brother, Louis Bélanger (Les mauvaises herbes - 2016, Gaz Bar Blues - 2003). Supported by
his guitarist and musical partner of the last ten years, André Lachance, he makes us vibrate to the sounds of his guitars and grave voice. His personal technique of sliding is captivating. The talented Marc-André Drouin lends him a hand with his bass guitar and his Pete Townshend look (The Who) as well as the amazing percussionist Michel Roy who sings backup for Guy and André.
We can't help but dance!
After his set, a smiling Guy comes to meet with his fans with simplicity and modesty. What a beautiful soul!
Sadly, because they were leaving for Quebec City, his musicians could not come to the photo session. I did however manage to grab a hold of André Lachance, the guitarist, long enough to ask for (and get!) an autograph and to tell him that his style and voice reminded me of Paul Reddick.
Eleven thirty, equipped with a bottle of water, I am ready for a different kind of blues, rockabilly. From the first notes, under the spell of Riot and his Blues Devils, the audience starts to move the chairs to make the dance floor bigger. There’s a party going on at the church!
Riot points out how welcomed the FestiBlues has made him feel and thanks Mélanie Bouclin for the buffet and refreshments. He also takes this opportunity to sing to her a heartfelt “Happy birthday”, as did Dawn, Paul, Guy and his musicians earlier.
With Riot’s charisma, you can tell he was born for the stage; he is one the most appreciated performers in the province. With each song, the audience is enthralled by his stentorian voice, his shining guitars vibrating to his particular touch. Expertly supported by his Blues Devils, Big Papa Mike on bass guitar and Laurent Saint-Pierre on drums (replacing Mark Di Claudio who is currently in China), these two devils accompany Riot for a thrilling performance!
Everyone was more than ecstatic with the first edition of the FestiBlues de St-Bernard-de-Michaudville. As for myself, I cannot wait for next year’s edition, this little festival is well worth a visit.
Bravo Mélanie, you have made this a resounding success!